Keith Richardson and his trusty dog, Cassie, decided to take a week out of his hectic schedule in April and walk along the entire length of Hadrian’s Wall. Keith and Cassie where inspired to do this by his daughter Olivia.
Olivia is a tenant in Autism Together’s Supported Living house, Weatherstone’s Court in South Wirral. Olivia, who has Autism, has lived in her lovely flat for nearly three years and she, along with her parents, Keith and Elaine, are really pleased with how it has gone.
Olivia was only placed at Weatherstone’s Court as an interim measure whilst her room in residential care was finished. However, she settled in so well, both in the flat and with her care package that she stayed. Olivia is the youngest of three girls, two of whom have complex needs, so finding somewhere safe, caring and where she could flourish, was very important to the family.
However, once Keith got to know Autism Together, he began to understand it’s need for fundraising and support and as such, he decided to help. And so the idea of the Hadrian’s Wall walk was borne.
Keith denies suggestions that it was to give him a week’s break from housework!
Keith and Cassie started their quest to raise funds in January, setting up a Justgiving page and placing collection boxes out and about. Every little helped towards his ambitious target of £3000.
You can imagine how pleased Keith, Cassie and Olivia were when they closed down their fundraising page last week raising an amazing £6026. The money raised will go towards Autism Together’s appeal for £120000 to build two new rooms at their Autism specific respite facility, The Ferns.