Autism Together has relocated the hub of its creative day services to bigger building, at Gallagher House in Wallasey. The move has enabled the charity to offer new and improved services, with expanded space for creative arts, media and drama facilities.
The service, part of an extensive range of day service offerings from the charity known as CVS, was originally housed in Bromborough at the charity’s Wirral Centre for Autism. Now, it can offer three art rooms, two IT suites, two media rooms, a large dining room and further space for another IT and media room – all in one large building.
The service offers people with autism a huge range of opportunities for self-expression and creativity along with valuable life skills. The structured, person-centred programmes offer communication strategies and support plans, enabling the person to develop independently, safely and confidently.
Creative Day Services
The new building offers a calm and light surrounding for service users and each wall is insulated to prevent sound travelling from connecting rooms. The service sees on average 40-50 service users per day, and the new space allows for more collaborative work between departments such as media and photography.
Dave Smith, Service Manager of Gallagher House, said: “The move really seems to have made a difference to our clients. The atmosphere is much nicer now we are in a bigger and more open space. We’re still in the process of renovating certain rooms and putting in a new sensory room, but the difference we have already seen in improvement in creativity is amazing.”