
Chloe Jones, Resource & Referral Co-Ordinator at our Children and Families Service. For more information visit:

Chloe Jones, Resource & Referral Co-Ordinator at our Children and Families Services, reports on a very successful event at Port Sunlight River Park.

“Just thought I would let you know that the Summer Picnic was a fantastic event today, over 100 people turned up over the course of the session and we raised a total of £160 for the respite appeal!

We had a number of activities including a treasure trail around the park, build a bug house, make your own dream catchers, raffle, refreshments and the local children’s SureStart Centre came to do some free crafts as well.

Families were very impressed with the site, as some had never been before and lots of them brought their own picnics and had a fab time in the sun!

BIG Thank you to Rick Myers for helping me out today, very much appreciated and also Anne Litherland – Park Ranger, for having us on the site and all the lovely volunteers and helpers!”