April is Autism Acceptance Month, a worldwide celebration of inclusion and acceptance for all autistic people.
In the past we’ve campaigned for greater awareness of autism, but in recent years the focus of the month has changed to one of autism acceptance rather than just awareness.
Awareness remains important, indeed on April 2nd we celebrate World Autism Awareness Day, but acceptance is of key importance to the people we support and the wider autistic community.
Throughout April we’ll be showcasing the work we do at Autism Together, celebrating the achievements of the people we support, and sharing people’s thoughts on autism acceptance.
Check our social media for more details.
We’d also love to know what you’re all getting up to. April is a time when many of our supporters launch fundraisers and challenges to support our charity, so please let us know more about these, and anything else you have planned.
Don’t forget to tag us in, and share your photos and videos with us too please.
If you’re looking for inspiration, we’ve setup a dedicated Autism Acceptance Month page on our website, which you’ll find full of enjoyable and informative resources – including videos, presentations, quizzes, and a Funbook to download and printout…
Please do check it out.
Happy Autism Acceptance Month to you all!