Fundraiser, Rick Myers rounds up some of our recent and upcoming activities

“It’s been a busy summer of fundraising and now we have moved into the autumn we have several generous donations to Autism Together along with some fundraising activities you may be interested in getting involved with”.

Rick Myers
Fundraising Officer

Supported Living team member Adam Miller’ Half Marathon

adam-millerAdam, one of our dedicated staff team members from our Supported Living Department will be lacing up his trusty trainers to run in the Conway Half Marathon on the 22nd November 2015.

Adam has set up his own JustGiving page where you can support his amazing efforts.

Hadrian’s Wall Weekend

Keith Richardson, whose daughter is in Supported Living at Weatherstones, is bravely undertaking a Hadrian’s Wall Weekend to raise funds for Autism Together and would love your support or maybe you would like to join him!!

The event which is on 3rd June 2016 is a 3 day event and covers a total of 25 miles. It costs £75 to enter and this includes all accommodation, meals and equipment. The entry fee can be recovered from your sponsorship of course. or Text: KRIC58 £1 to 70070 to sponsor Keith today.

Great Support from Contact!

Covers band Contact celebrated 20 years together this year and kindly decided to use the occasion to raise funds for Autism Together by entering a Fun Run and by holding a great gig in the Cedar Tree in Rochdale.

It was a great night and together with the run the band raised £1,164.43 and that is before we add Gift Aid!


Mal Stuthridge joined Rick Myers to present the band’s cheque at Oak House.

“Contact are the best covers band I have ever seen,” stated Rick Myers, ”and their support is sincerely appreciated, I had had a nightmare journey to get to Rochdale but the group made it all worthwhile – if you get a chance to see these guys don’t miss it!”

Armchair support a real winner


Michelle Greaves and Kerrie Dodd popped into Oak House on Tuesday 3/11/15 to drop off £2060, the proceeds from their Fun Day held at the Armchair pub in Moreton on Monday 31st August, big thanks to all the staff and customers for their brilliant support.