Wirral Autistic Society have been selected to represent the care arena alongside David Cameron in the 2014 Parliamentary Review. The publication, which has several versions based on key policy areas, has the involvement of the Prime Minister, leading Cabinet and senior ministers including George Osborne and Norman Lamb, and other outstanding executives who have been selected to showcase best practice as a learning tool to their peers.

The Care Review consists of a political commentary, summarizing the year in care along with a look back at the events in Westminster. The commentary is written by two of the UK’s leading journalists – Geoff Hodgson – Chief Editor of Caring Times and Mark D’Arcy – the BBC’s Parliamentary correspondent.

The Parliamentary Review reflects on the biggest challenges of the past year with thought-provoking analysis and robust non-partisan commentary. The representatives selected are used as a model to their fellow peers within the given policy area.

The Prime Minister, David Cameron, said:
Our recovery is real, but it has not been easy – as the articles in this year’s The Parliamentary Review demonstrate, it is thanks to the ongoing resolve of the British people that our country is starting to recover after such tough economic times.

Director of The Parliamentary Review, Daniel Yossman, said:
The key idea of the Review is to demonstrate how determined leadership and innovative thinking can really turn around organisations or to highlight best practice of outstanding leaders in their field – the contributors thus act as a template for reform. The 2014 representatives are proof of this.

Editor-in-Chief of The Parliamentary Review, the Rt Hon David Curry, said:
The whole purpose of the Review is to provide a forum where organisations can set out what they have achieved and, crucially how they have achieved it. We set their articles in the context of the political and economic environment – described clearly and critically by experts in the field. The aim is to showcase, explain and learn, not in some abstract or theoretical way but by dealing with reality, however challenging that reality may be.

HMC Head, Richard Harman, said:
We share common values and by working together we can also share best practice and compare the distinctive features in individual organisations that lead to success.