From September 2012 until July 2013, a group of 10 students for West Kirby Residential School attended sessions at Community and Vocational Services at Wirral Autistic Society. The students attended every Tuesday (excluding school holidays), for the entire academic year.
During this time they have acquired many new skills and experiences and have gained a really good insight into what adult provision and services are available once they come to leave their current school placement this summer.
Over the course of the year, they attended sessions in the 5 separate service areas that make up the Community and Vocational Services at Wirral Autistic Society. Their sessions included involvement in activities related to Media Studies, Performing Arts, Health and Well-being, Woodwork, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry.
The support staff and regular service users who have worked alongside the group have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and consider the students to be a credit to themselves and to the school.
All at Wirral Autistic Society wish them the very best of luck for the future.
To add to this short report, a coffee table book and DVD, charting the students’ progress during their time at WAS has been produced for each student to keep. It will hopefully bring back good and positive memories of the time they spent at WAS.