Our values and vision

Our values 

We promote positive

Everything is

We promote

We are

Our strategy

This strategy sets out our objectives through to 2025. Six strategic objectives will determine our programmes of work over the next few years, although we will review these annually as part of the business planning process. Each goal is supported by a series of outcomes that specifies the changes we want to see, along with our priorities for the next two to three years and how we will achieve them. Our strategy is underpinned by our Vision, Mission and Values, which drive all that we do.

    The five years aims…

    • Provide person-centred and high quality services for people with autism across the spectrum.
    • Develop our autism services.
    • Develop and invest in our staff.
    • Invest in our infrastructure and assets.
    • Be financially sustainable.
    • Raise autism awareness and acceptance.


    Autism Together has adopted a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) approach across our services.

    The goal was to focus on proactive and positive strategies to help minimise anxiety for people with autism, which can lead to behaviours of concern, whilst reducing restrictive practices.

    Through early detection of changes in mood and behaviour, we aim to prevent people we support going into crisis by understanding their needs through evidence-based behavioural assessment and intervention. Our ultimate goal is to improve and promote quality of life through skill building and environmental changes.

    After recruiting a Clinical PBS lead in 2019, we selected and trained staff to become PBS coaches across the organisation. Our coaches completed training with the British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) in order to gain the understanding, knowledge and skills to deliver an organisational approach to PBS.

    We have also developed an internal PBS referral process, aimed at individuals with more significant behavioural needs. We work closely with NHS community professionals to ensure these people’s needs are fully and holistically met. 

    Restraint reduction

    We have signed up to and pledged on the RRN website which brings together committed organisations providing education, health and social care services. (Restraint Reduction Network https://restraintreductionnetwork.org/)