
Terry Usher reports on a very busy, but enjoyable day at the new development at Port Sunlight River Park.

“On Friday, 18th July an enthusiastic group from Liverpool University came to Port Sunlight River Park as volunteers. They completed a range of tasks, from the cutting down of willow trees to create a beautiful vista on the river front, to removing tree guards to allow the young trees to flourish.

The group started with a walk to the summit to appreciate the views and enjoy looking out over the Liverpool skyline with Vicky Hose (our Interim Park Ranger) before dividing themselves up into 2 groups.

The first group, led by Lex Freeman, went to the top of the hill to remove guards from the young established trees. The whole group quickly got stuck in and the guards soon began to pile up ready for the trailer. These guards are being stored in the Garden Centre and will be transformed into sculptures to be placed around the Visitor Centre by Wirral Autistic Society service users.

The second group, led by Vicky Hose, were cutting down willow trees on the Mersey View Walk to create beautiful vistas of the Liverpool skyline. The cuttings were then transported to different areas to create natural habitats for the resident wildlife.

The day was a complete success, with everyone going home very tired but content with a job well done!”
