Wirral Autistic Society will be attending the ‘Transition to Adulthood’ on Tuesday March 3rd 2015 at Ellesmere Port Civic Hall, which aims to support parents and carers to think about the journey their young person is taking towards becoming an adult. This can be a confusing time and the organisers will be telling young people (year 9 to year 11) about what they can expect from this transition from year 9 onwards.
There will be a market place of stands where you will be able to talk to individuals from a wide range of agencies, services and charities that may be able to help you.
The day is split into two half day sessions:
Young People in Year 9-year 11 (Transition to Key Stage 4) – 9.45-12.30
Post 16 what happens next? – 11.45 – 2.30
Download detailing the day can be found here: Transition to Adulthood Event.
To book a place or for further information, please contact the ‘Information Advice and Support Service (Formerly Parent Partnership Service):
Tel: 0300 123 7001
E.mail: iasservice@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
4 Civic Way Ellesmere Port CH65 0BE