Bowling July 14

Back row L-R: Princes Trust Volunteers – Faith, Max, Charlotte, Amber, Leigh, Danielle, Amber and Chloe Jones (Children and Family Service). Then the next 2 lower rows are: Millie, Luke, Olivia, Isabel, Patrick, Jack, Charlie, Tia, Baye and Finn – members of our Sibling Group.

Wirral Princes Trust Volunteers were recently fundraising for Wirral Autistic Society’s Children and Family Service – Sibling Group, they took part in bag packing and other activities to raise just over £200.

The dedicated volunteers decided to spend this money on taking our sibling group (6- 11 year olds) bowling at Bromborough Bowl on July 14th 2014.

We had 3 lanes of bowling and we mixed our teams with the sibling group and Princes Trust volunteers.

We also had our dinner there too all funded by the Princes Trust. All the team at the Children and Family Service would like to thank the Princes Trust for their hard work and kind donation of their time and fundraising activities.