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The government recently announced some easing of restrictions regarding people meeting outside the home, when social distancing is observed.

We wanted to take this opportunity to explain Autism Together’s current position regarding this matter.
The health and social care sector and, in particular, care homes are still under strict guidelines to ensure the virus does not spread. We also need to make sure the people we support are able to understand and adhere to social distancing measures.
Our staff are still required to wear PPE, including face masks, for the whole of their shift. Therefore we need to carefully consider all the risks, in order to enable the people we support to meet up with their loved ones in as safe a way as possible.
To do this, we must make sure the following measures can be met:
  • Safe social distancing can be maintained.
  • Your loved one only meets with members from one household.
  • There are no more than 6 people present, in total.
  • The meeting takes place outside and away from our service, such as in a park.
  • If your loved one lives on their own, you are able to meet in the garden as long as you do not go inside the house.
  • No food, drink or equipment is shared, such as picnics or camping chairs.
Please get in touch with the registered manager of your loved one’s service if you’d like to discuss how to meet up with them, safely.