
Wirral Autistic Society have achieved a Silver Standard award following their recent Investors in People assessment, which took place across the whole of the North West based charity.

The Society was awarded the Investors in People Silver Standard for the way in which it has transformed business performance through the support and motivation of its team. The award recognises excellence in areas including people management, leadership and performance evaluation.

Fewer than 600 organisations in the UK have been given the Investors In People Silver award, which equates to less than 3 per cent of all organisations awarded the Investors in People Standard.

The Society has held the IIP status since 1996. This recent assessment for their new Silver award was judged against higher standards and a greater number of criteria which requires evidence of a further 76 areas of excellence above the core standard. In order to gather evidence, assessors interviewed a wide range of employees across the business about their views on the organisation.

Jim Strain, Director of Human Resources, said “Many thanks to all those staff from across the Society (80 in all) who were interviewed by the assessor. He was particularly impressed by the dedication of the staff that he met.”

“This is a great achievement for us, especially at a time when there has been so much change in the care sector. There are areas which we all (and not least the management teams) need to focus on, but this is not to detract from such an overall positive assessment reflecting the hard work of everyone.”