The nuthatches, robins and wrens of Port Sunlight River Park need somewhere to live. That’s the message from Wirral Autistic Society park ranger, Anne Litherland, who says that whilst other wildlife is thriving, these tiny birds will struggle to make their homes in the park’s young trees.
Port Sunlight River Park is managed by Wirral Autistic Society on behalf of open space management charity The Land Trust, providing 70 acres of natural open spaces for the community to enjoy.
Wirral Autistic Society is inviting families with children over six years old to a bird box-making event on Wednesday 18th February from 10.30-12noon at Port Sunlight River Park site office. The boxes will be put up in the young trees around the park.
Anne said, “We have an abundance of wildlife here: kestrels, skylarks, foxes and rabbits. The kestrel population has been falling nationally but here we see them swooping over the long grass searching for voles and mice.
“We need to make sure the tiny birds are encouraged to nest here too, whilst we wait for the trees to mature and provide more cover. I hope some of the families in our community will support this effort – and have fun at our event at the same time.”
The bird box kits have been produced by the society’s Woodways team – a group of people with autism who are practising their wood working skills. The project has been funded by a donation from Bromborough Library, which raised money with a Christmas hamper. Anne said, “So many partners have come together to make this park work and I’ve been bowled over by the community support from people like librarian Gill Curwen who made this project possible.”
To register for the free event please contact Anne on 07587550060 or email Those wishing to take their bird boxes home will be asked to make a small donation to cover costs.