
Congratulations to many of our staff who attended a presentation event in recognition their long service. During 2013 they had all completed 10 years of working for the Society.

This is a great achievement and we are grateful for their dedication and commitment to the Society and particularly our service users. Robin Bush, Chief Executive, was delighted to present certificates and vouchers to; Laurie Alkins, Deborah Clarke, Andrew Cochrane, Mike Fee, Sue Grundy, Melissa Jackman, Angie Kemp, Carl Philips, Angie Rich, Debbie Roden, Michelle Seddon, Clare Smith, Steve Vasey, Claire Woodhouse.

Our congratulations also go to our staff who, after much hard work, achieved various QCF Health & Social Care Qualifications and received their awards from Robin. These are; Tom Slater, Rob Reid, Ben Howard, Charlotte Brassey, Lex Freeman, Collette Roberts and Bev Daniels.