Clay magic from CVS

Clay magic from CVS



Wirral Autistic Society are pleased to announce a showcase of the photographic and model making talents of clients attending our Community and Vocational Services (CVS) at Bromborough Pool Garden Centre.

The CVS offers people with autism meaningful, realistic and achievable training, on the job work experience and valuable life skills.

CVS offers a structured, person centred programmes offering the necessary communication strategies and support plans, enabling the service users to develop independently, safely and confidently.

Offering fantastic opportunities for people with autism to develop essential work and life skills and reach their full potential.

The Media /ITC department working with these talented clients have produced a diverse exhibition of works.

Along with photographs taken of a variety of subjects a selection of clay models created by clients will are on view.

This exhibition is comprised of clay models and photographs taken by service users of all abilities who are on the autistic spectrum, the composition of images are through the eyes of the service user theses unique images and models will be on display during world autism week 2015.