Peter Lunt (far right) from Biffa and his colleagues take just a short break to pose for a team photograph

Peter Lunt (far right) from Biffa and his colleagues take just a short break to pose for a team photograph

A big thank you to the team from Biffa, who kindly offered their time to come in and complete some voluntary work at our Raby Hall site on Friday 11th July 2014.

On a very hot day, the guys got well and truly ‘stuck in,’ shifting and laying barrow loads of bark chippings to the extensive network of pathways that run on various routes through the woodland on the Raby site. In spite of the very warm conditions, the group got through a tremendous amount of work, helping to maintain the pathways in woodland. This area proves to be of huge benefit to our service users, who utilise the peaceful surroundings to participate in woodland based activities and for leisurely walks in the woodland.

The initial contact was made through Peter Lunt from Biffa, who became aware of the work we do through our involvement at the old Bromborough Dock Landfill site, where Peter helps to manage Biffa’s operation. The site will shortly to open to the public as Port Sunlight River Park, with Wirral Autistic Society acting as the Managing Agents for The Land Trust. This will offer further opportunities for Biffa and Wirral Autistic Society to work together, with Biffa continuing to manage the complex monitoring infrastructure of the park and Wirral Autistic Society managing the day to day operation in terms of site maintenance and community engagement. This is a relationship we hope will go from strength to strength.

Peter kindly commented: ‘I can genuinely say we all had a very enjoyable day – apart from the work it was also very interesting to find out more about your work with Autism. Also it was good to talk within our team outside the work environment which was a secondary aim of the day’.

Peter and the team also expressed a wish to come back at later dates to complete more voluntary work, for which we are very grateful.