
Wirral Autistic Society’s Step into Work+ programme are now offering Autism Awareness Sessions in the workplace.

These free sessions offer training and information to employers, placement providers and our employment partners, about how they can engage with autistic adults throughout the work place and have met with great success with organisations such as Wirral Borough Council Environmental Health, Merseyside Youth Association and Alternative Futures.

The sessions are relatively short (1- 1hour 30 mins), interactive and the SIW plus trainers can work with teams of up to 20 people delivering fun, relaxed training, covering a variety of topics. There is also a chance to meet one or two of our students and hear their stories and experiences. We can provide these sessions at the workplace, or at our own centre in Tower House, Birkenhead.

A representative from Wirral Borough Council Environmental Health said about the sessions; “The practical support we have been given has helped our service gain a greater understanding of autism & Aspergers Syndrome. As an individual, the session made me challenge my preconceptions and ideas of people with AS in the world and the workplace”.

Hema Chandrashekhar, Placement Officer, said “We have also recently worked with VIGO IT Solutions Ltd; a small, local employer who have recently taken on one of our students in an IT technician role and have given us very positive feedback on the information and support they have already and continue to receive form us here at SIW plus.”

Bev Breen, Programme Manager, said “Although these sessions have always been on offer from SIW plus, take up by employers and partner organisations has only recently increased. I feel this is due to a wider awareness of our service and by word of mouth recommendation. Hema and I also benefit from these sessions as they give us a greater awareness of what employers are looking for.”

Follow up sessions are also available if required. We offer specific awareness training once an employer takes on a student, whether on placement, or in a job, to support the employers in working with autistic adults.

Autism Awareness Sessions are run in conjunction with our in-house training courses, dates are allocated on application.

If you would like further information please contact: Beverley Breen, Programme Manager or Hema Chandrashekhar, Placement Officer on T: 0151 559 2399 ext. 2

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