Community Consultation Results and Actions

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our questionnaire about our plans for Bromborough Pool Village, or attended our community consultation meetings and drop-in sessions.

This was our initial engagement with the community, to gather your thoughts and wishes around the future of the village and the buildings owned by Autism Together.

Autism Together is a charity that supports autistic people, we do this by providing activities and housing. In Bromborough Pool Village we now own the school, church, village hall, café and some of the surrounding land.

As such, our priorities are, first and foremost, the people we support and the buildings we own. Whilst we are empathetic to many of the suggestions made by the community, some of these fall under the wider remit of the landowners that are stakeholders in the village itself.

Here is a breakdown of the results of our survey…

44% replied Yes.

Our action:

We are planning to provide more pop-up information sessions, beginning with Wirral Met College, to raise awareness. We also intend to hold more events at the village itself.

Most responded – for the history and to visit the cafe.

99% replied that it looked run down and needed some improvements made.

Our action:


We are co-ordinating the external decoration of the buildings we own. We are applying for external funding to address the external restoration costs to the buildings we own in the village. The school alone requires £250,000 in brickwork repairs. We have recently received some funding to improve the land and boundaries surrounding the buildings we own – this work will begin in the spring.

100% replied Yes – to preserve the history.

1. Streetlights

Our action: We have passed this information on to Bromborough Pool Conservation Committee.

2. Updated heritage signs

Our action: We have informed Bromborough Pool Conservation Committee. Autism Together already holds events at its café, but this year we are hoping to provide more – including opening the buildings during Heritage Week.

3. Planters / hanging baskets

Our action: We will work with Bromborough Pool Conservation Committee to support this.

4. More disability access on kerbs and roads

Our action: We have passed this on to Bromborough Pool Conservation Committee and Wirral Borough Council.

5. Seating

Our action: We have passed this on to Bromborough Pool Conservation Committee and Wirral Borough Council.

6. Litter / bins cleared

Our action: We have passed this on to Bromborough Pool Conservation Committee and key stakeholders of the village.

7. Bushes trimmed / areas such as opposite South View tidied

Our action: We will be undertaking boundary works beside our own properties, we have passed this on to Bromborough Pool Conservation Committee and key stakeholders of the village.

8. Land around the church tidied

Our action: Autism Together has received external funding to improve this.

9. Historical Route

Our action: Autism Together is working with Wirral History and Heritage Association and intends to include replacement interpretation boards within any grant applications that we make.

10. Christmas lights

Our action: We have informed Bromborough Pool Conservation Committee.

11. School to be turned back into a working school

Our action: As Autism Together now owns the old school, this is not our intention. But we are hoping to re-establish it as a community building.

100% replied Yes.

Our action: Autism Together has engaged architects to look at how the buildings it owns could be reconfigured to provide increased community access.

1. Closer links with Port Sunlight Village

Our action: We have made contact with Port Sunlight Village, and we intend to work closely with them in the future.

2. Community events

Our action: Autism Together will be running some community events this year in the village, we have also informed Bromborough Pool Conservation Committee.

3. Coffee shop

Our action: Autism Together already runs a café in Bromborough Pool Village, it is open every day.

4. Heritage Tours

Our action: Autism Together is working with Wirral History and Heritage Association, we are intending to run some tours during Wirral Heritage Week.

5. Full use of buildings

Our action: Autism Together fully uses all of the buildings it owns to provide activities and housing for the people we support.

6. Shop

Our action: Autism Together has refurbished its café in order to incorporate the sale of items such as bread and milk to support the local community.

7. ATM/ Post Office

Our action: We have passed this on to Bromborough Pool Conservation Committee.


Our action: We have passed this over to the cricket club, as they have an alcohol licence.

9. An exhibition to celebrate the village

Our action: Autism Together intends to replace the interpretation boards around the village, which will celebrate its historical importance.

10. Markets

Our action: We have passed this onto Bromborough Pool Conservation Committee.

11. Summer Fair

Our action: We have passed this onto Bromborough Pool Conservation Committee.

  • “Wish you well on a huge project.” · “Keep up the good work.”
  • “It is very pleasing to see attention being focused on three very important buildings.”
  • “Would like to see any new developments consider the skills and employability of people with autism in mind. Love how people with autism are at the centre of the cafe and shop and are not an afterthought.”

Our action: All of Autism Together’s services and developments are aimed at empowering the people we support to reach their full potential. Our Pathway to Work Officer leads the service in identifying suitable employment for those people we support who want to enter into a paid role.

Project History

For over 10 years, Autism Together has operated a range of support services from a number of rented buildings within Bromborough Pool Village, namely the former school, church and hall.
The three buildings are listed and situated in a conservation area. Over the years these buildings have seen a great deal of wear and tear, which has left them requiring restoration.
In 2023, these buildings were gifted to Autism Together. As a result, we want to undertake some much-needed repairs to the buildings as well as provide greater community access to the Enterprise Centre (the former school building) and Giles Shirley Hall (the former village hall).
We are extremely keen to engage with the community and key stakeholders to hear their wishes for the village, and how the community spaces within these buildings could best be used by people living nearby.

Contact Details…


Write to: Angie Kemp, Director of Business Development,
Autism Together, Oak House, 6 Tebay Road, Bromborough, CH62 3PA.

We will continue to update this page with forthcoming news, event details and dates.